Monday, December 8, 2008

That Quiz- December 9th Assignment

Go to the following website:

On the left side under Class Testing you will need to enter the following code to take the multiplication quiz

After you enter this code, find your name in the pull down window and complete the quiz.

When you finish that, please enter the following addition code, and do the same as above.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving Webquest

Activity 1/Day 1
People of many other cultures give thanks for good harvests. Read about the harvest festivals and Thanksgiving celebrations helf by the ancient Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese and the Egyptians. Fill in the chart with 2 facts about each culture's celebration.

Activity 2/Day2
Read the two versions of the first Thanksgiving. Compare these versions. How are tehy the same and how are they different? Fill in the Venn Diagram.

Activity 3/Day 3
We tend to associate turkeys to the Thanksgiving holiday. Read about the tradition of turkeys at Thanksgiving. After you finish the reading, list 5 facts about turkeys. Be sure to include one fact about turkeys and the first Thanksgiving.

Activity 4/Day 4
Native Americans may have a different view of the Thanksgiving holiday. Read The National Day of Mourning and write a paragraph explaining what this is and why Native Americans may have a different view of Thanksgiving than European Americans.

Activity 5/Day 5
Have you ever wondered how Thanksgiving became a national holiday? Toward the bottom of your reading selection you will read about how the Pilgrim Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving to be shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native Americans. Each year after that more events happened. Create a time line using those dates and events listed in the bottom of the reading.

When you are finish working, click here for Thanksgiving games

Friday, October 10, 2008


Welcome to the DTEMS 4th grade blog. I decided to creat a classroom blog so that my students could quickly access webquest or other websites quickly without having to type an entire URL.
I also plan to post questions and activites and have the students respond here, as opposed to paper.